Monday, June 18, 2007

Getting Your Work Published

If you want to have your work published, there are some tricks that can tip the scales in your favor.
  1. Start with a great design (one that matches the magazine's or website's style).
  2. Pick only the best photos to include in your layout.
  3. Create a layout based on the publication's current call(s). There's a big list available here.
  4. As you create your layout; keep a list of all tools, templates, supplies and techniques used. The publishers usually will not publish layouts without this information.
  5. Take a really great photo of your layout. Using a Portable Lighting Studio is a great option. It's low cost and when paired with a digital camera, it makes online submission a snap. The alternative is to scan your layout then submit it.
  6. Finally, have a good attitude. The publishers may really like your layout, but want you to redo the layout before they'll use it. A change in colors, use of a specific paper line or less/more embellishments are just some of the changes that may be requested.


Jayne said...

Interesting info - thanks for sharing!

Colleen Mulder-Seward said...

Welcome, Jayne! ^_^