Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Freebie Friday - Layered Digital Template

Paislee Press Designs has a great freebie available - a layered digital template. 

Not only is Paislee Press Designs giving away this layer digital template, but she is also giving away two $10 gift coupons to her shop.  From her blog, "One prize will go to the most innovative/creative use of the template and the other winner will be chosen by random drawing. To enter this contest, create a layout using this template, upload your creation to an online gallery then come back here and post a link to your layout in the comments section below. I will be taking entries until Sunday, January 11th at 11:59pm."

Finally, Paislee Press Designs has a tutorial of how to use layered templates, titled Layered Templates 101, that provides step-by-step instructions on how to use her freebie. 

I'm entering the contest. I hope to see your creations there too.

Make it a creative day,

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