Thursday, May 17, 2007

Year-end Teacher Gift

My daughter has an amazing teacher. She truly treasures her students. I wanted to give her something special for all her unbelievable dedication throughout the year. The idea struck me, I'm good at scrapbooking; why not make a scrapbook for her?

I visited my local Dollar Tree store and was happy to find a small, cloth-covered photo album with room for 24 photos. There just happens to be 24 students in my daughter's classroom. The album has 4"x6" pages.

I sent a letter home with each student asking for two things; a wallet-sized photo and a handwritten note from the student. I included writing prompts, such as: "I love Mrs. [Teacher] because...,"My favorite thing about Mrs. [Teacher] is...," and "Mrs. [Teacher] is great because..." to give the kids some ideas of what to write.

The kids really got into this! Their notes are so adorable. I can't wait to present the completed album.


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