Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Tuesday Tips

Tuesdays at For the Love of Scrap are full of tips. These tips could be anything, for example:
  • How to organize your craft space.
  • Hosting a crop at your home.
  • Getting the most from your supplies.
  • Great scrapbooking sites.
  • Answers to questions you send to me.
  • An much more...
Today's Tuesday Tip is how to scrapbook with your children.

First, you need to keep your child's age in mind. Your child needs to be able to use scissors and a glue stick in order to be successful at scrapbooking. Also, you need to use tools appropriate for your child's skill level. Safety is important.

  • For younger children (<10 years)
  • For tweens (10 to 12 years) use the above list plus: glue dots, buttons, flowers, brads, paper trimmer, decorative scissors, ribbons, staples, stamps and punches.
  • For teens (13+) use: anything that you use in scrapbooking. (ie coluzzle, X-Acto knife, piercing tools, sewing machines, etc.)
Next, chose an appropriate scrapbooking size for your child. Because children are smaller, it is usually best for them to use smaller sized scrapbooks. tag, coffee filter, paper bag, 4x6, 6x6 and 8x8 albums are great for kids. These sizes are easier for them to carry, pages can be completed faster, smaller (less expensive) photos can be used, and they can use your scraps (instead of them using your new stash). Directions for making a 4x6 album can be found here. Directions for making a 6x6 album can be found here. Directions for making just about any other album can be found here.

Creating these mini scrapbooks is a ideal craft project for Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts of all ages (for example, Brownie Hobbies Try-It badge).

Go make memories with your child today.


The image above comes from http://www.mayaroad.com/new/images/2cover.jpg

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